Lifestyle Forecast

The Lifestyle Forecasting Book presents the newest trends in the fields of design, architecture, and decoration. It illustrates the decoration of our domestic and professional spaces, including references to forms and materials, and a detailed colour card. Keywords and texts describe the identities and behaviours of future markets, destined not only for the home and interior sectors but increasingly for other industries as varied as food retailing, automobile interiors, leisure parks, and tabletop design. It is published once a year.

AVANT-GARDE 2025 Home & Interiors 

Today, one can detect a rebirth of the Avant-Garde, with a growing unease around the superrich's excesses and their overwhelming power, as well as a nauseating sense of waste from fast-fabricated mass-produced goods. Both polluting not only the planet but also our culture, jeopardizing our mental and financial health. This malaise creates a violent world where people take defense into their own hands, and where opposing parties have become unable to listen to each other. It appears that society is moving out of control fast and that unrest or even civil war is to be expected. The brutal language of our politicians doesn’t help to ease the pain.

It seems that we are on the brink of a cultural conflict and therefore our creative forces unite by combatting violence with beauty. A focus on elaborate design and craft brings along a militant point of view that makes excess desirable and celebration a necessity. For us battle-opposing citizens, culture is the best defense where the intuitive becomes the guiding principle, the instinctive the way to go, and intelligence of human origin. We all need to be united at the forefront of good practice and human kindness, choosing quality over quantity – and be aware, that isn’t a question of money. In this forecast, the same ideas are generated for the monumental and the domestic, the expensive and the affordable, the absolutely great and the infinitely small. Each of us can join in the same sublime ambition, sharing identical, original ways of creation. The consumer will become the collector, curating their own existence.



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the great disruption 2024